my car's name is reginald huntington III.
just before i moved to new york in 2005, my poor little chevy cavalier pedro got totalled in a parking lot accident. so a quick change of plans mandated that i fly -- instead of drive -- to new york and there buy a new car.
i had told the mom of the family who i was going to live with that i would need to buy a car, and she was so sweet to contact her car dealer and let him know what i needed and how much i could pay for it. so the day after i arrived in new york, she drove me up to meet with the car dealer, who had just found a 1997 toyota corolla that would suit me great. so i bought it. and he's been a good car.
finding a name for my corolla was a bit difficult, though. definitely needed to be a boy name, but he's not a very *manly* car: i mean, he's no dodge ram. after a few discussions with my sister inge, we settled on reginald huntington III. (we added the "III" as a sort of family name because the dad of my new york family was named kirby brown III. thought i owed them at least some tribute for putting up with me for almost 10 months.)
so, reginald huntington III. but we call him reggie. and you know that he's a boy because reggie *loves* driving girls around: he bonded with the girls in new york on several road trips to boston and upstate new york, bonded with my new york mom on a trip down the east coast to virginia, bonded with my sister inge on the drive back from new york to utah, and bonded with my mom and inge (a second bonding for her) on the drive from utah down here to l.a. oh, and he's spent plenty of time with my older sister eden and her family, too, with the drive up to utah for Christmas this year.
and reggie's such a good sport. he's been through a lot lately: what with partying late with friends and cleaning up my messes.
so i sent him to a spa -- err, body shop -- for a week, and i am pleased to announce that he just arrived home today and he is so happy:
how did i never know that reggie and petey both had futh names? i thought that reggie and petey were it!
he looks really, really happy to be home.
yeah, they both have regular names but go by nicknames. sorry you missed that memo.
Don't forget that I own like 1/6th (or something like that) of him. His bumper, I think.
oh no, no: didn't forget. i was actually even gonna put that in this post, but i thought people would really think i'm strange that we named my bumper. not that i think "buttercup" is an unworthy name for a bumper -- that's not it at all -- i just don't think most people name their bumpers.
Well, when it's the only part you own, you just gotta. :)
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