09 October 2007


last night i ordered precisely 7 waters at happy hour -- each individually, specifically, one at a time -- and i drank exactly ... 1. (no, i didn't leave a half-dozen glasses on the table.)

after the FAS 123R training yesterday (which was a very long and exhausting day, by the way, but worth it -- i really enjoyed it) we had a happy hour celebration for a couple of my co-workers who are going to china on a type of exchange program with our shanghai office. i arrived shortly before 5 and the waitress quickly got my order: "water -- no, not bottled, just water." i thought that was pretty simple.

about 10 minutes later another waitress asked what i would like, i told her i had already ordered.

the first waitress came back with everyone's drinks. except mine. no worries. maybe she had too many drinks to carry in one load.

after another 10 minutes, a third waitress came with more drinks, so i asked her for a water. she went off to the bar. she came back with another round of drinks for everyone. but no water.

now, repeat that cycle a handful of times. the wait staff kept coming out with more drinks, with quesadillas, hot wings, jumbo shrimp (yumm!) ... but still no water.

i guess i should have ordered something they could put on the tab. :S oh well, i have a water bottle in my car. so, after i'd been there just over an hour, i thought i'd better head out -- still had lots to do that night -- i started saying my goodbyes and then i heard a "christianna, christianna! it's here! it's heeere!!"

yes, my friends: my water had arrived.

so, i couldn't very well take off without enjoying this long-awaited moment of pure refreshment ...

if that's what it was supposed to be, i was left very unfulfilled -- the water was too cold and they'd put a lemon in it: yuck. oh, well. i drank my water, finished my farewells, and took off.

and then i drank my water bottle when i got back to my car.

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