okay, i've never been much of a resolutions-maker. (mostly because i don't want to set myself up for failure, but i like to tell people that it's because if i decide to make changes in my life i can do it right then and not wait for the new year. yeah.)
this year i am gonna try the resolution thing. i'm starting small, though. so, since i found out that my cholesterol is too high, i thought that could be an area for improvement for the coming year. so ... during 2008 (at least until i lower my cholesterol to a satisfactory level) i am going to eat less red meat --
calm down. take a deep breath.
-- and to do that ... i am going to only allow myself to eat red meat on the weekends. now, i am *fully* aware that even restricting myself to weekends only is not what is recommended for red meat consumption. but keep in mind that we will be going from once or twice a day to once or twice a week.
see? this is a big deal. really.
oh -- one exception: because i have to make sure i have enough iron in my blood in order to donate platelets regularly, i decided that for the 2 days before i donate, i can eat red meat. this is the only time i'll be allowed to eat red meat on days other than weekends.
this is going to be rough. wish me luck ...
Good luck! Does chocolate raise your cholesterol? Just wondering....
according to wikipedia ...
"two-thirds of the fat in chocolate comes in the forms of a saturated fat called stearic acid and a monounsaturated fat called oleic acid. however, unlike other saturated fats, stearic acid does not raise levels of ldl cholesterol in the bloodstream. consuming relatively large amounts of dark chocolate and cocoa does not seem to raise serum ldl cholesterol levels; some studies even find that it could lower them."
*yes*!! this is exactly why i eat so much dark chocolate. (i knew there was a reason!)
oh, it's not so bad to not eat red meat! if you need some good tofu recipes, let me know :)
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