29 February 2008

something spoiled at the grocery store

i freely admit that i am a flirt. because i am.

it's probably been about a year since grocery guy came chasing after me and my car in the ralph's parking lot waving my forgotten kool-aid packets in his hand. he worked at night. and i usually made my ralph's run at night, after work.

so, since then, we'd say hi and have a short exchange at the end of my long day and the beginning of his long night. it was a perfect relationship.

one night i was going to some event with my friend becky and needed to pick up some stuff from the grocery store beforehand, so she came with.

"oh, you'll get to see grocery guy!" i exclaimed.

"there's a grocery guy?" she asked, "what, like a bagger boy?"

"no, he's like the night manager or something. he has pretty eyes. you'll see." i promised.

usually grocery guy hung out near the front of the store by all the cash wraps. he wasn't there when we walked in, and as we wandered around the store looking for strawberries, powdered sugar, and other waffle toppings, i wasn't sure grocery guy was working that night. but as becky and i were heading up to the check-out, my mind was set at ease for i found him -- he was straightening something on the bread aisle. we said quick hellos and, because i get so embarrassed flirting in front of an audience (i.e., becky, in this case), "hello" was the extent of the delightful banter for the evening. :S

back in the car, i asked becky,

"so ... that was grocery guy." (okay, i guess i didn't *ask* anything, i just commented, really. but the question was implied.)

"wait -- who?"

"that one guy, in the bread aisle. that was grocery guy." i said matter-of-factly.

"*that* was him? hmm. i thought you said he was cute."

"i said he has pretty eyes."


end of conversation. i think that's the last time i share any of my flirting conquests with becky.

so then, the other night i had to stop by ralph's on my way home from the client's office because our bucket-o-chocolate needed replenishing. and because i was completely mentally exhausted, i called my sister to help me pick out some good stuff for the guys at work. 20 minutes and $15 later, i was walking across the front of the store with my loot -- still on the phone with my sister.

grocery guy was standing at one of the registers.

he saw that i was on the phone, so he just gave a little wave and mouthed a "hello", which i reciprocated, though without the wave because one hand held the phone to my ear and the other secured the sweet sack of goodies. as i continued to walk toward the door, we kinda just smiled at each other since i was obviously otherwise engaged at the moment. and as i was about to pass grocery guy in his cash wrap, he mouthed a "me?", pointing to himself then making the international call-me signal using his thumb and pinky finger held up to his ear.


at this point i completely forgot what i was saying to my sister on the phone, trying to process this request and, all the while, trying really hard to not (1) drop the grocery sack, scattering chocolate of a near-embarrassing quantity and variety across the tile floor, nor (2) run into any of the myriad of grocery carts scattered at the front of the store (who just leaves those there anyway?).

blink. blink.

somehow i was not ready for this. i mean, i've only known the guy for what, a year -- maybe -- and suddenly he wants to up the ante from just casual flirting and concise conversations to the exchanging of phone numbers??! and *then* what? a phone call? a conversation lasting more than 3½ minutes?? really?? and i suppose that will eventually lead to the moment when we exchange names, huh? and is he someday going to shoot me the double-barrel with a wink? am i gonna have to be the kind of girl that likes that? *am* i the kind of girl that likes that?

umm. i'm definitely not ready for this at all.

"hello? ... uhh, hello-o?" buzzed the girl at the other end of the phone.

guess my sister noticed that i stopped talking mid-sentence, perhaps mid-word.

as i continued my trek across the front of the store, i miserably attempted to play the whole thing off coolly. i smiled and just kept walking toward the door and toward freedom, pretending to be thoroughly enthralled with the conversation i was having on the phone. please don't let my cheeks turn bright red until i'm out of this fluorescent light and in the cool safety of the dim street lights. please, please.

by the time i got to my car, i had collected myself enough to try to finish my conversation with my sister. i think. and as i drove home, pondering the events of the evening, i came to a conclusion: i'm not sure i can late-night-grocery-shop anymore. there is just all too much pressure on the relationship now, says the commitment-phobic californian. i think i might have to become a daytime shopper now. maybe do grocery shopping during my lunch break. or i could use my vacation days to restock the pantry. or i could just stop grocery shopping altogether and alter my diet to consist of solely those items that can be found at the circle-k. i know they have guava rockstar at the circle-k. what about beef? and chocolate??

26 February 2008

shout it out

a friend introduced me to this wonderful invention that is itself the stain-prone's best friend. at lunch one day, she dropped a glorious plop of refried beans, cheese, sour cream, and other burrito fixin's on her cream-colored blouse. gasp!! without missing a beat, though, she whipped out a shout wipe and within 5 minutes, i couldn't even remember what had fallen on her shirt. i was converted. i bought some the very next day.

now, there was a time when, in a mad rush of panicked frenzy, i bought a tide pen at target, thinking it could serve the same purpose. but i was horribly, horribly disappointed.

so now it's *all* shout wipes for me.

and good thing, too. this morning i was in a rush to get ready and out the door so i could be to my client's office by 830. and as i lifted my computer bag and gave myself a quick once-over in the mirror, i saw it: blood. on my so-cute white-with-really-cute-little-light-gray-flowers blouse. i must have scratched myself somehow. (how? mmeh, dunno. oh, well.) so, i stood in front of the mirror for about 7.36 seconds contemplating what i could change into quickly without ruining "the mood" of my chosen appearance for the day. when i remembered -- how could i forget? -- shout wipes -- in the car, even -- waiting for me.

so with a quick sigh of relief and a new conviction that the world would keep spinning in a clockwise fashion (or is it counter-clockwise?), i confidently walked out to my car where shout wipes once again saved the day.

so the moral of the story ... ?? well, the shout wipes tagline is, "treat stains while you're on the go". and boy do i. you should, too. :D

(p.s. -- in all fairness, the tagline should be something like, "save the world, one stain at a time", but that's just my opinion. the marketing guys at shout must know something i don't. pshaw.)

19 February 2008

brand new spirit

err, new brand spirit, as the brand launch handbook calls it. today is a day of change. after 45 kajillion years with a certain logo:

my firm is rolling out a new one:

exciting, no? and get this: "Every employee will receive a Grant Thornton New Brand Gift Bag that includes a branded travel beverage tumbler, a new set of business cards and a printed version of the Brand Spirit booklet that describes the global brand."

these are just some of the changes as outlined in the new brand training overview powerpoint presentation:

new logo
new logo positioning (i.e., before the firm name now)
new font
new corporate color
new corporate color scheme
new business card layout
new email signature
new "imagery style"
new "tone of voice" (??)

so ... go check out the new grant thornton.

i get a branded travel beverage tumbler -- i can hardly contain myself!

i do have one piece of sad news related to the change, however. unfortunately we, as a firm, no longer have a passion for the business of accounting.

yes, this image -- with the "x" -- was part of the powerpoint presentation.

15 February 2008


the 15th and the last day of the month remind me exactly why i do all this anyway ...

... of course, after checking my bank account, i'm really not sure it quite makes it worth it.

(on a side note. when in brasil, don't say "payday" loudly when in a crowd, even if just professing your undying love for the classic american peanut candybar. you might get a few funny looks and scrinched noses: the word sounds just like the the conjugated verb that means "i farted". fyi.)

12 February 2008

10:47 pm

got in my car to drive home from my client's office at 10:47 tonight. came home. got in bed. oh -- yes, i brushed my teeth before bed.

some of you may not think that's a big deal. but i'm complaining because, really, it's my blog ... so who's gonna stop me?

09 February 2008


they are finally doing it! march will be a happy month for some very dear friends of mine. they are finally getting sealed and i am *so* very happy for them.

congratulations, amy and ethan. i really wish i could be there ... take pictures. :P

08 February 2008

opinions, please?

the following was sent to me as an excerpt from an article entitled, "seven deadly dating sins". this is kinda the consensus of *lots* of advice i have recently received. i definitely have an opinion about this subject, but i'd like to hear your comments (and feel free to leave anonymous comments, if you want).

"Never keep your ex in your phone or on your buddy list. After you drop his toothbrush in the toilet—oops!—the first thing you should do after a nasty breakup is to get him off your radar. Completely. That means removing his number from your cell phone, getting him off any speed dials, and bumping him off your buddy lists online. Why this draconian purging? If the relationship and breakup were intense and emotional, it can be hard to wash him out of your hair. For many people, getting rid of all contact info is an important part of healing and finally being able to move on. And if you still have feelings for your ex—good or bad—having that number or buddy user name available at the press of a button makes it all too easy to put off the healing that needs to be done with a call or message."

share your thoughts. i'd like to know. thanks!


04 February 2008

snowy california

okay, so this isn't really what comes to mind when you think of southern california, is it? but ... we got hit by a big snow storm last weekend. ("big" by california standards, but nothing too exciting to all you utahns, i know. and especially not anything even noticeable to you bostonians. but still. i guess the southern california sun has spoiled me.)

erica emailed me on friday afternoon to see if i wanted to celebrate the snow with a sledding trip! of course!! so she got some other people together and made plans.

which plans meant that i had to wake up at 630 on a saturday morning. (yeah, don't even get up that early on work days. oh, well -- this was for a better reason than "work".) whine, whine, whine.

so, i picked up perfect boy at his house just after 8; we got up to erica's around 830, where we met up with the rest of the troupe and headed out. less than an hour later, we found ourselves in this:

where we couldn't wait to start doing this:

err, uhh, i mean, this:

oh, fabulous snow. oh, beautiful snow. oh, freezing snow. and me in my jeans. i neglected to bring snow gear with me when i moved to l.a.: silly me. the southern california sun really has spoiled me.

but it was so much fun! we spent a couple hours sliding down and climbing back up the hills and sled runs. threw snow at each other. threw each other in the snow. fun was had by all.

after a hard day of play in the snow, we stopped at rocio's, a cute little mexican diner on the way out of frazier park, where we ate homemade tortillas and tried to warm ourselves before making the drive back home. it was a fabulous day.

02 February 2008


what if cute guy wants to get back together?

01 February 2008


heard from a good friend the other day that i haven't talked to in forever ... and ... they are getting married in may! finally! it's been a long time coming ...

... congratulations, kaylee & joey!