11 May 2010

carpe diem


  • i got to work before 9am.

  • i wore a skirt *and* did my hair.

  • i bought a gym membership from costco.

  • i branched out and bought a chocolate chip frappuccino with peppermint for happy hour half-price frappuccinos week -- not as good as my regular mocha non-coffee frap.

  • i tried bayer (aka "the wonder drug") for my back pain -- verdict: works better than tylenol (and since i'm not donating blood until saturday, i'm okay to take it).

  • my co-worker got called "laura webb-ensen" for not taking a lunch break.

  • i learned how to fed-ex at work.

  • i hand wrote out 42 percentage calculations on one sheet of paper.

  • i locked myself out of my office after everyone had already gone home, and then spent an hour and a half chilling with the security team waiting for the admin to come back and let me in, rather than pay a $300-fee to have them open the door for me.

big day.

1 comment:

Alanna said...

$300? to let you in? what? That's RIDICULOUS!